As some of you (following the ML) already know, Sawfish is moving away from GNOME.
Now the move to Tuxfamily is complete, so here is the new list of resources for both users and developers.
Project-Page: A small overview page with quick access to all interesting links can be found at
Community-Page: The Wiki isn't affected, so you're right here.
Mailing-List: Instructions for use of the new ML can be found at 2011 06 13: New Maling-List in use!
Bug-Tracker: The new BT can be found at - you'll find all open issues from the old BT.
Releases: Release tarballs are hosted at Tuxfamily since v1.6, so nothing changed here. Find all links at Download.
GIT Repos: GIT repo for SawfishPager was always at Tuxfamily, librep, rep-gtk and Sawfish followed. Find all links at Download#GIT.
Documentation: You can now read the docs for Sawfish and Rep online. Sawfish: // Rep:
Translations: Since we left the gnome-i18n team won't translate anymore. Thus, we are looking for brave users/contributors doing the job for the community. If you feel like "I'd like to, but dunno how", don't be shy and head-over to the Mailing-List and we'll help you.
Themes: Themes from the Wiki are currently still mostly hosted on SourceForge. We need to write a WikiBot to update the links to point to Tuxfamily.
Reasons: Well... the most important reason was to have full control over project-administration. GNOME doesn't allow it as much as Tuxfamily does. SourceForge would have done, too but we (developers) didn't want to use it and also some users said they don't like it that much. Tuxfamily was choosen as I already hosted my own projects there and knew that it would fullfill our needs. No one rejected the proposal.
Other reasons include that I thought an all-in-one workflow would be much better than having Sawfish cluttered around on SourceForge, GNOME and Tuxfamily. Also it would ease users to find what they look for. Of course the different ideologies played a role, though just a very minor.
After it's revival Sawfish evolved indepedently from GNOME and there's no connection between those two projects in any way anymore.
Future: The next release is 1.9.0 scheduled for december 2011. Featuring improved SawfishConfig, merged Sawfish-MMC (a fork of Sawfish that has been active in the years of Sawfish's dead), changed selection of shipped themes and more.
Sawfish 3.0.0 is scheduled for december 2012. It will use GTK+3 and several internal changes are planned, like switching to a better Lisp or Scheme, or improved handling of keyboard and mouse (eg: support for more than 5 mouse-buttons).
Contributing: Sawfish is a community Project. Anyone with or without development skills is welcome to contribute documentation, wiki-writing, scripts, patches, translations or artwork. Just post it the Mailing-List or the Wiki (where appropriate) and that's all.
Have a nice day! Flashrider [Christopher Bratusek] 13:13, June 19, 2011 (UTC)