- Author: <dpbarr at callnetuk dot com>
- Download: apager.tar.gz
A theme for Merlin's fishbowl/Spager/Merlin's pager/long thin windows...
<Not old!>
- re-wrote whole thing, compared to "pager".
- some more options.
- the "default?" button/title or whatever is more scale-able.
- looks a lot or a little like the gnome panel.
<old inherent flaws from pager>
- still two theme.jl files one for shade right and one for shade left they still need re-naming accordingly - sorry.
- still requires a restart (help?)
- can't re-colour itself (but grey goes with anything...)
things that 'could' (but probably shouldn't) use this:
- spager http://www.stanford.edu/~satyakid/spager.html
- merlin's stuff (pager, fishbowl, clock etc.) www.merlin.org/sawfish