Release todos quick access

This page lists todos which is of lower priority. Maybe wish items in bugzilla(s) should be collected here...

See also


  • In general, the document needs improvements. See this post for detailed account. (The gap between 1.3.0 and 1.5.0 pointed out there is already filled.)
    • needs update.
    • both in volume and in order.
    • both for users and developers.
    • the online and the distributed. (may be better to be united to one?)
    • In which module the functions / variables lie.
  • How sawfish is initialized.
    • How sawfish uses librep.
  • How to test patches gracefully.
  • What exactly is 'deprecated' feature? No doc at all now.
  • Terminology; clarification, replacement to better ones, description.
  • At least, complete GUI doc.
  • Librep intro, at least Sep 2008 thread in the ML
  • Sawfish event system: To aid in development and understanding, there needs to be documentation the X event model and how Sawfish interacts and deals with it.
  • Crawl thru the web, find articles on sawfish, and compile them.
  • Better to have heavy comments in the source.


  • Maybe keep only core lisp part in info, and others written in HTML.


Change themes-engine so that tabs are supported by default.


Merge good scripts into the trunk

Merge good scripts into the trunk.

In adoption, notice following points:

  • Name (of feature, function, variable ...) is good?
  • It should work & merge smoothly with already existing design and codes.
  • User contributed codes are often slack. Make loose ends meet.

Review scripts

The title says all.


There is some uncommitted patch to sawfish which enables XComposite handling. We should be investigating that. And perhaps add this in some future releases. See also Composite in development section.



Search box

A search box which allows to quickly find an option that has string in its description or name.

Keybinding commands list

Currently when making a keybinding, all commands are listed in a single alphabetical order. And there could be well over 200 of them with some scripts installed.

  • If they were organized in different categories, maybe using a treeview, it would make it easier to find relevant binding.
  • Also if commands are reachable by key types, is good.

Edit history

A list of recently modified variables in the UI. This would make it simpler to find, like this: "I just changed one option, but I don't remember where it was?".

Window Rules

"Grab all". It sets all properties of grabbed window, and what user do is to uncheck what they don't want.

Grabbing window size and position.

Configurator and process

  • If you restart Sawfish with the configurator open, the configurator instance becomes useless.
  • Configurator requires sawfish to run. If it does not, configurator just outputs a message to stderr, but it would be much better, to have a dialog box, that pops-up and says "Sawfish is not running, please first start sawfish, then run sawfish-config".

Add --replace option

Add --replace option to sawfish, for replacing the current window-manager.

Tiling feature

Implement tiling feature. Steal from StumpWM, common lisp fork of ratpoison?

Gtk dialogbox

It's possible to have a dialogbox made of Gtk. This will add many new features to Sawfish. See here for more.

Print command doc in window operation menu

In the window operation menu, print the command description in tooltip.
