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- Author: Ryan Pavlik
- Version: 1.0
- License: MIT
- Download: Messages.jl (upload)
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A simple API for multiple (i.e. extension-specific), configurable message windows.
This wraps both the built-in DISPLAY-MESSAGE function and separate, configurable message windows. This is mostly useful for people writing extensions who want to display messages. Window-mode is one of these.
Simple usage, much like DISPLAY-MESSAGE:
;; Display a message window that doesn't go away (message-window-display "Message")
This will display "Message" in the "global" message window, exactly like DISPLAY-MESSAGE. This is not very interesting, because you can already do that. However, if you wish to display a timed message like this, you might want to use it:
;; Display message for 300ms. Also supports #:sec. (message-window-display "Message" #:ms 300)
However, the problem is this gets overwritten by anything else doing the same thing. Thus the real purpose of this extension:
;; Make a custom message window that's green at (5 . 5) (defvar *my-message-window* (make-message-window #:x 5 #:y 5 #:bg "Green")) ;; Display custom message window for 300ms (message-window-display "FOO!" #:win *my-message-window* #:ms 300)
This will display a message in a separate window you control. See Dictionary for all the options.
Simply put this where your lisp goes (e.g., ~/.sawfish/lisp). Any scripts that use it should do the following:
(require 'messages)
- make-message-window #!key msg x y w h border-width border-color fg bg
Create a new, unmapped message window with these attributes. All have defaults, nothing is required, but you may want to position the window. - message-window-destroy MSGWIN
Destroy MSGWIN. You should not use the object again after calling this. - message-window-show MSGWIN
Show MSGWIN. Normally you don't need to call this yourself; rather use MESSAGE-WINDOW-DISPLAY. - message-window-hide MSGWIN
Hide MSGWIN. You do not need to call this if you use MESSAGE-WINDOW-DISPLAY with a timer, but it is necessary if you want to hide an indefinite message window. - message-window-config MSGWIN #!key x y w h fg bg margin border-width border-color attrs
Reconfigure MSGWIN. Note this does not force a redraw, though some parameters like W and H may cause it; you must use MESSAGE-WINDOW-DRAW. This will reconfigure MSGWIN. Note that fg and attrs specify the attributes for the GC used when drawing text; if you specify either it will override all prior attributes. - message-window-draw MSGWIN
Redraw the contents of MSGWIN. This will have no effect if the window is not mapped. - message-window-display STRING #!key win sec ms
Display a message. If no window is specified, the "global" message window will be used via DISPLAY-MESSAGE. Otherwise, the message window specified will be mapped and redrawn with current attributes and message. If sec or ms are nonzero, a timer will hide the window after the specified time.