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Rep-GTK is a gtk+ (and glib, gdk) binding to the librep, and one of the backend of sawfish.

Rep-gtk development was restarted in mid 2008 by User:Flashrider after years of halt.


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All what we need for sawfish is implemented, but rep-gtk is TOTALLY outdated, and it's limiting us: no real pango, no cairo, no gtkbuilder, no treeview, no combobox, not all glib stuff.

Status Updated (0.90.0): Basic GtkBuilder support, Beginning of GtkTreeView

Future plan[]

If you're interested, please join us!

Because it's outdated, we need to settle a minimum GTK+ and then try to implement its API. Gtk version 2.12 will be moderate. This is a lot of work so don't expect any early results.

As soon as GTK+ 3.0 is out rep-gtk-2.90 will be branched which will lead to a 3.0 further down the road.

Rep-GTK 3.0 is (hopefully) based on r-wrap, a g-wrap port to librep, which Alexey I. Froloff will work on, as he find free time. Anyhow you might join him when he's starting.

Bindings to keep:

  • glib (full bindings)
  • gtk+ (including the gtkbuilder in favour of libglade)
  • gdk

Bindings to add:

  • cairo (gtk+ uses cairo already a long time)
  • pango (full bindings)

Bindings we might think about (after the above is done):

  • dbus (for intercommunication, eg sawfish-ui with sawfish-client with sawfish (...))
  • gconf[1](or it's probably upcoming succesor for GNOME3.0)
  • clutter
  • libsexy

Project Ridley[]

Rep-gtk had bindings for libgnome (and related) and libglade, but they are removed from 0.18.4, since removing the old libgnome cruft is strongly recommend. See ProjectRidley on the GNOME Homepage.

See also[]


  1. Well, it's not planned to move sawfish from rc-file to gconf, but having rep-gconf might free the configuration / sawfish-ui-custom file from too many 3rd-party-script values, as they make it harder to find bugs in those files, as there are already myriads of options in standalone sawfish.